We feel gratitude mostly for people such as you are who come here and work so hard to improve this very imperfect model of a democracy which is becoming less liberal every year!!

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Happy Thanksgiving, Alex. Stand tall.

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I'm thankful for so many things, even in these weird and benighted times, but outside of my family and my health I'm most grateful for the good people I see out there holding up the values and ideals that I most admire in the idea of what America is supposed to represent, at least in the examples I embraced about our shared civic virtues early in my life.

I'm grateful for the Vindman brothers. You're a touchstone to those things that I admire and value and I'll always stand with you.

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Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for all you do for us.

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Sometimes I think we immigrants appreciate America more than a few who were were born here, like the MAGA cult member. We know what oppression feels like - they have yet to learn, but it's coming soon.

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Happy Thanksgiving, and God bless you 🙏

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I am third-generation American. My father served in an infantry supporting a MASH in the Philippines during WW II, and I thought I valued my country before you stepped forward to testify about that “perfect” phone call. My heart broke wide open that day, and it will never close again. Because even though we may not get the result we want right away, courage is never wasted. “Here, right matters.” Blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving and always.

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I have to comment on the shameful post Elon Musk made about you. This is a bridge to far! You are a brave, patriotic man. Please know that we, in your reader community, are behind you 100%.

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Alex, you are a true American patriot who serves with the highest honor, absolute integrity, and extreme bravery. We are fortunate for your patriotism and steadfastness.

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Today, November 30th, I did not know how else to contact you after reading Joyce Vance’s Substack this morning on what Musk wrote about you. First I am appalled and disheartened at where, what muddy path, we have chosen to go down

So I wrote this on treason today and after doing so thought perhaps saying it to you might make a difference in some way.


Susan Ross

8:32 AM

Treason, defined essentially as the aid and comfort given to a nation with which we are at war, brings us right to this technological age. We are at war. The effectiveness of war no longer relies on boots on the ground which Putin understands so well. When a nation can create troll farms with many computers creating and controlling the social media universe with baseless lies, misinforming the voting public, when they control the information and ensure through algorithms what comes into your inbox, and it subsequently brings division and chaos to another country, their enemy, and we do not recognize that as putting their assets in place, then our definition of treason is long outdated and needs to be immediately redefined before the inauguration, as the incoming president, his choices, those voices he listens to, have all been compromised and in their lust for power and greed are guilty of treason.

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